We have tens of thousand of promotional keyrings available in our stock range and there is usually something to suit every business need. All of our keyrings can be beautifully branded, and most are available within two weeks!
We want to understand exactly what type of keyring you’re looking for, and any other needs you might have.
We’ll utilise 30 years of experience to suggest your perfect keyring options, at the UK’s guaranteed best prices.
Once you’ve chosen your design, the UK’s most experienced keyring designers will present your branded concept.
We’ll speedily deliver your quality-guaranteed keyrings.
Job done!
We've been the UK's leading manufacturer and supplier of badges and keyrings since 1989. Get advice that you can finally rely on.
If you see a lower advertised price for badges or keyrings within 30 days of purchase from another certified ISO9001 supplier, we'll happily refund double the difference in price.
If your custom-made products aren't up to the same standard as your approved sample, we'll get them remanufactured or returned for a full credit.
Our logistics are the best in the UK. If your order isn't delivered in time for your event you won't pay a penny.
Custom-made keyrings from the UK’s keyrings experts!